Wednesday, August 27, 2008

EMO stuff

I just discovered who are my true friends. In life, there are your typical hypocrites, posers and those who are pretty blatant about things, but the people i hate the most are the hypocrites. There was this period in time, where chance gave me THE perfect opportunity to see right through this person. Obviously, I am not going to reveal any critical information, so do not try to glean/infer/guess who the person is.
To be fair, I might have overead the situation and "spiced" it up, but judging from his/her past history and what he/her treated me these few days, i highly doubt that i am wrong.
I know i should not be writing this now, for tomorrow, my gp tutor beckons me towards the hall for the all-so-important GP prelims. However, I feel that it is really important for me to get this off my chest so that i can have a clear mind for tomorrow. To describe how i feel now in words is a mammoth task for me to do, but for the sake of you people reading my blog, i will attempt the impossible, with my limited vocabulary. To put it simply, I WAS a shackled dove, NOW i am liberated and i feel more at ease.
Oh well... now to prepare for the exams.

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